
Little Red Riding Hood's Shopping Day 小紅帽逛街購物

We had a little stand at home for the kids to learn how to use "money". So Amira dressed up liked little Red Riding Hood and Corban was the hunter. Darius and I were the business men. The game was easy, they just had to pick the things that they liked and give me the money. But they had to know how much money they should pay. It was fun to see the kids try to figure out how much they should pay, because they messed up sometimes. They would get confused when I asked how much I should give them back in change. It was a little difficult for the kids. Because it was about addition and subtraction. 

Amira打扮成小紅帽(披風是我幫他縫製的),Corban是隨性的獵人,Darius跟我就是老闆。我們設了兩個雜貨店,毛毛蟲雜貨店跟Sunflower shop。遊戲很簡單,Amira跟Corban挑選喜歡的東西然後付錢給我就可以了。這個方法讓小孩認識錢幣,並且懂得計算。其中要運用加

