Since we started home school, I found each one of our kids is very different. Like Amira is really good about music and sports. Corban is good about telling stories and drawing weird pictures. Darius is a good eater and he can wash his own cup and fold clothes. And Benicia is a good fighter and singer. I hope I can always see my kids' talents.
Today I took some pictures of my kids while they practiced music.
自從我們家庭實行在家自學方案後,我就慢慢發現每個小孩的才能。像Amira對於學習音樂跟運動十分不錯,Corban則是十分會說故事跟天馬行空的畫畫。Darius 十分會吃,他也會折點衣服跟洗自己的杯子,算是手很巧的一個小傢伙。Benicia是一個很會打的小孩,反擊力很高。但是手腳十分敏捷,愛唱歌跟跳舞,吊單槓跟姊姊一樣厲害。