
水蜜桃馬芬+紫地瓜玫瑰饅頭+海綿蛋糕 homemade food

The children are still sick. I did not teach a lot of lessons this week. But we made some food. 

*peach muffins*

6 cups all-purpose flour
2 tablespoons ground cinnamon
2 teaspoons baking soda
2 teaspoons salt
2-1/2 cups vegetable oil
6 eggs, lightly beaten
1.5 cups white sugar 1.5 cups brown sugar
2 cups peaches can

*海綿蛋糕 sponge cake*

I made cake 3 times. This time was best. I just wanted to eat cake base. This is why I did not put any thing on top of the cake.

*紫色地瓜玫瑰饅頭 *
purple sweet  potato steamed Chinese bread 


