
Family picture for Christmas (聖誕節家庭照 初照)2013

 這星期五我們全家到了八德埤塘生態公園 一起拍了聖誕節家庭照,這是我們家庭的傳統之一,每年我們會拍家庭照,來製作成卡片,分送給家人、朋友,來表達我們的真心祝福。今年我們選擇黃色跟綠色作為聖誕賀卡的顏色。拍照時候,鴨子、雞和鵝都跑來跟我們一起玩,小孩被著這些家禽吸引注目光,所以很難將所有小孩的目光集中在同一個鏡頭上。不過這也算是我們家庭照的特色吧,因為我們家庭總是自拍,所以一群人要對鏡頭嘻嘻笑笑,感覺上還滿逗趣的。除此之外我們也在草地上野餐。這些家禽都跑來看我們吃東西,一點都不怕生。小孩很開心,我們也享有一個早上的親子時光。

It is time for Christmas pictures. This is a tradition for our family.
The year we picked yellow and green color for our Christmas color.
This Friday we went to a park to take our Christmas pictures. There were ducks, chickens and geese to accompany us. We had so much fun. Also we had picnic, too. All the little ducks, chickens and geese watched us eating. The kids had so much fun.

picnic pictures link

