
My feeling 我的感覺

Today we had a lesson about "My feelings". We discussed about being angry. When we feel angry , what can we do? Corban said he can try to read books. Amira said she can ride a bike. We also talked about taking deep breaths or walking away till we feel better. Then we talked about how to  express our happiness and what we can do. We also do facial expressions, like happy angry sad or upset..etc. Then we studied about the letter "A" for angry and "H" for happy. The children used their body to write "A" and "H". And we also learned Chinese letters about 生氣 開心 . Then we try to find out what fruits have the letters  "A" like apple and "H" like peach. They also found "H" for house and "H"orse . The kids were very smart, they showed me how to use their bodies to make house shapes. and they also made the horse sound for me. I also gave them beans to "draw" faces about being happy and angry. They did very well. Then we have a dancing classes, we sang and dance "if you are happy, and you know it". 

For the happy lesson ending, Pieter and I made "H"amburgers for lunch! 

上了一堂"我的感覺" 跟小孩討論當你生氣時候,你要如何表達情緒或紓解你的生氣。Amira說他可以去騎腳踏車,Corban說他可以去看書。我們還討論到可以慢慢呼氣吐氣來減緩怒氣或者是離開現場等到心情平靜後才回來處理事情。他們也提到說生氣會像刺蝟伸長了刺,害別人都不敢接近。希望往後他們可以慢慢練習怒氣的控制。接下來我們討問生氣跟開心的英文字母H 和A 跟注音生氣的尸跟開心的ㄒ,同時也讓他們用身體寫出字母。之後我們找出字母發可發出的字彙A就是APPLE ,H就是PEACH 然後他們也發現House房子 跟 Horse 馬..等字彙,並且用身體表現出字體意義跟發出聲音,相當有創意。然後我也發豆子給他們,請他們在紙上畫出生氣跟開心的表情。

