Amira 就此展開她的學琴之路,當然也是經過詢問她的意願,她也表示願意學習。從她開始學琴,Amira 就展現出她的天賦。她的確相當有天份,她學習琴的能力也很好。當然練琴並不是很簡單,可是Amira 是個個性堅韌的小孩。當然她有許多樂理功課,有時候是超過她的能力範圍,但是這些都可以隨著年紀增長,理解力提高,她將來就可以懂得問題。
Last week , it was our family speech at church. Before this speech, I asked Amira if she would like to give a piano performance. At the beginning she did not want to do it. But I encouraged her a few times, she finally promised to do it. She spent a moth to practice . We also encouraged her to do her personal prayer about piano the performance. She was wonderful, she practiced and practiced.
On that day, Pieter gave me a blessing because I was so nervous. I hoped she could have a good feeling to play the piano in front of people.
When the time came, she was scared , but she overcame her fear by the encouragement of her teacher and her family. she did very well. A lot people complimented her. she was very happy. I was so proud of her.