This summer is very different from past years. We had some mothers organize a children's summer camp.There are a lot of activities, include climbing, handmade bag making, clay modeling, handmade PIZZA, body painting, sandbag making, block construction, and playing different kinds of sports. We even use the Government's summer art activities as our lessons. Our kids get different experiences.
Most of the teachers are from the group, some mothers provide their own skills. Therefore we don't have to spend a lot money, we still can have a lot fun! Not only children have a good time, the mothers also have a joyful experience.
Enjoy studying together Enjoy learning together Enjoy sharing together
AMIRA第一次的鋼琴演出 Amira's first time piano performance
Amira 去年到四月開始學鋼琴,當時的她,大約四歲半。在她開始學鋼琴之前,我已經懷有老四。我每天幫三個小孩排不同課程,Amira也在那時候,開始學習寫字,真正拿起筆來寫字。
Amira 就此展開她的學琴之路,當然也是經過詢問她的意願,她也表示願意學習。從她開始學琴,Amira 就展現出她的天賦。她的確相當有天份,她學習琴的能力也很好。當然練琴並不是很簡單,可是Amira 是個個性堅韌的小孩。當然她有許多樂理功課,有時候是超過她的能力範圍,但是這些都可以隨著年紀增長,理解力提高,她將來就可以懂得問題。
Last week , it was our family speech at church. Before this speech, I asked Amira if she would like to give a piano performance. At the beginning she did not want to do it. But I encouraged her a few times, she finally promised to do it. She spent a moth to practice . We also encouraged her to do her personal prayer about piano the performance. She was wonderful, she practiced and practiced.
On that day, Pieter gave me a blessing because I was so nervous. I hoped she could have a good feeling to play the piano in front of people.
When the time came, she was scared , but she overcame her fear by the encouragement of her teacher and her family. she did very well. A lot people complimented her. she was very happy. I was so proud of her.
標籤:自學 小孩
Children‘s Lessons 孩子們課程記錄
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